Run PepSite on a PDB structure

PDB code:   PDB chain:  Use non-prot/hoh ats in surf calc?

Peptide sequence: ?

Run PepSite on your own PDB file

 Use non-prot/hoh ats in surf calc?

Peptide sequence: ?

You have predicted binding of the peptide GTPPPNYDSL on the protein surface from PDB 2joc, chain "A" (Itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase from ; Mus musculus).

The interactive visualization below shows the protein structure and a predicted peptide binding spot. (Don't see anything?) To learn the basic controls, click here.

To display a different prediction, click on the correponding row from the table below, which shows the top matches ranked according to statistical significance (p-value).

rank p-value N
1 0.01375 6 ----- thr-2 pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 ----- ----- -----
2 0.01484 6 ----- thr-2 pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 ----- ----- -----
3 0.01667 6 ----- thr-2 pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 ----- ----- -----
4 0.02894 6 ----- ----- pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 asp-8 ----- -----
5 0.03336 6 ----- ----- pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 asp-8 ----- -----
6 0.03407 5 ----- thr-2 pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 ----- ----- ----- -----
7 0.03648 5 ----- ----- pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 ----- ----- -----
8 0.03671 5 ----- thr-2 pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 ----- ----- ----- -----
9 0.0378 5 ----- ----- pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 tyr-7 ----- ----- -----
10 0.04111 5 ----- thr-2 pro-3 pro-4 pro-5 asn-6 ----- ----- ----- -----

Each row from the table above is colored according to statistical significance (p-value) following the color scale below (red = highly significant; yellow = moderately significant; white = not significant).

You can download a PDB file with the top matches or with the interacting receptor residues. For a description of the format used, click here.